Sugarloaf Climb
How to get there
Ø From Boulder, take Canyon Blvd west
Ø Keep going west along the Canyon creek
Ø Pass the turn for Four Mile Canyon
Ø Pass the B&B Alps on your right
Ø Pass the Red Lion Restaurant on your left
Ø Go through a short 200 meters tunnel
Ø Pass the sign and the turn for Magnolia on your left
Ø Few hundred meters after you see the sign Sugarloaf drive
Ø Take a right turn on Sugarloaf drive.
Climb details
Ø The entire climb is 7.7 km or 4.8 miles long: from the turn off on Canyon to the top, before the descend starts towards hwy 72.
Ø The first 2.6 km is not very hard : the first km (0.5 mile) is around 7%; then there is over 1 mile (1.7 km) almost rolling with the uphill parts between 4-6%
Ø Then there are 2 km (1.6 miles) steady around 6-8% grade
Ø The last 3 km (exactly 2 miles) are the steepest 10-14%, but the real tough part, where with my 39*28 , my cadence went down to 38-40ish rpm, is 1 mile long, it starts just a little before the 3 mile marker and ends at 4 mile marker. The last 1 mile is more around 10%, it’s steep but you can turn the pedals at a decent cadence and apply power on the pedal.
Ø The top is soon after the right turn-off for Switzerland MTB trail.
Add a challenge
Ø On the way back down on Canyon, take left turn and climb Four mile canyon at your Tempo. It’s much less steep climb and it will feel good after Sugarloaf.
Ø Descend as you came, take lft turn on Canyon and cruise down to town.
Ø To make 3 passes: take left on Pearl, left on 4th, and left on Mapleton and climb Sunshine canyon. This is much steeper than Four mile canyon, so you just climb at the rhythm that what’s left in your legs allows.
To make a loop
Ø After the top, keep descending on the dirt part all the way until your cross Peak to Peak hwy.
Ø Turn right towards Ward. There are 2-3 steep rolling
Ø Take right at the Ward sign
Ø Go back down to Boulder from Ward along Lefthand canyon
How to get there
Ø From Boulder, take Canyon Blvd west
Ø Keep going west along the Canyon creek
Ø Pass the turn for Four Mile Canyon
Ø Pass the B&B Alps on your right
Ø Pass the Red Lion Restaurant on your left
Ø Go through a short 200 meters tunnel
Ø Pass the sign and the turn for Magnolia on your left
Ø Few hundred meters after you see the sign Sugarloaf drive
Ø Take a right turn on Sugarloaf drive.
Climb details
Ø The entire climb is 7.7 km or 4.8 miles long: from the turn off on Canyon to the top, before the descend starts towards hwy 72.
Ø The first 2.6 km is not very hard : the first km (0.5 mile) is around 7%; then there is over 1 mile (1.7 km) almost rolling with the uphill parts between 4-6%
Ø Then there are 2 km (1.6 miles) steady around 6-8% grade
Ø The last 3 km (exactly 2 miles) are the steepest 10-14%, but the real tough part, where with my 39*28 , my cadence went down to 38-40ish rpm, is 1 mile long, it starts just a little before the 3 mile marker and ends at 4 mile marker. The last 1 mile is more around 10%, it’s steep but you can turn the pedals at a decent cadence and apply power on the pedal.
Ø The top is soon after the right turn-off for Switzerland MTB trail.
Add a challenge
Ø On the way back down on Canyon, take left turn and climb Four mile canyon at your Tempo. It’s much less steep climb and it will feel good after Sugarloaf.
Ø Descend as you came, take lft turn on Canyon and cruise down to town.
Ø To make 3 passes: take left on Pearl, left on 4th, and left on Mapleton and climb Sunshine canyon. This is much steeper than Four mile canyon, so you just climb at the rhythm that what’s left in your legs allows.
To make a loop
Ø After the top, keep descending on the dirt part all the way until your cross Peak to Peak hwy.
Ø Turn right towards Ward. There are 2-3 steep rolling
Ø Take right at the Ward sign
Ø Go back down to Boulder from Ward along Lefthand canyon