Thursday, March 26, 2009

How much exercise to maintain, loose or prevent regain weight?

Do you know that :
66.3% of adults in USA are overweight or obese and the cost of treatment of weight reduction
is estimated to exceed $117 billion annually ?

• Benefits of weight loss: reduced risk for
CVD, decreased blood pressure, improved
Lipid profile and glucose tolerance

How "much" exercise ?

ACSM is “American College of Sports Medicine” made a
retrospective analysis of all the research studies after
1999 and came up with these latest 2009
recommendations on:
• how much PA (Physical Activity) for:
– Prevention of weight gain
– Weight loss
– Prevention of weight “regain” after weight loss

For example : To Loose weight

PA of 420 min*wk -1 -> 5-7.5 kg weight loss (>3% loss)
in 12 weeks
Additional Energy restriction is needed:
Deficit of 500-700 Kcal * d -1 for 12
weeks to loose 7.5 (8%) and 5.9 kg

These are useful guidelines.

and forward to friends, relatives, parents who need weight management. Let's save lives.
YES, "enough" physical activity can help preventing diseases and kill our National health bill.


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